


WIPO's Competent International Searching Authority and Preliminary Examining Authorities for nationals and residents of Lao PDR:
Business development services (BDS)
China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA): http://english.sipo.gov.cn
European Patent Office: https://www.epo.org
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore: https://www.ipos.gov.sg
Japan Patent Office (JPO): https://www.jpo.go.jp/e/
Korean Intellectual Property Office: https://www.kipo.go.kr/en

Business development services (BDS)
Resources provided by Skills Commons (https://www.skillscommons.org):
Business development services (BDS)
Publications and PSD websites:
Private sector development (PSD)
The ILO on:
Private sector development (PSD)
ILO's 'Improve Your Business' materials:
Private sector development (PSD)
PSD and gender issues:
Private sector development (PSD)
Empowering women entrepreneurs in developing countries: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Empowering-women-entreprenuers-in-developing-countries-190215.pdf
Enhancing the productivity of women-owned enterprises: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/308609965_Enhancing_the_productivity_of_women-owned_enterprises_the_evidence_on_what_works_and_a_research_agenda/link/57e8871408ae9227da9f09a0/download
How to grow women-owned businesses: https://idl-bnc-idrc.dspacedirect.org/bitstream/handle/10625/56366/IDL-56366.pdf
Supporting Growth-Oriented Women Entrepreneurs: http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/301891468327585460/pdf/92210-REPLACEMENT-Supporting-Growth-Oriented-Women-Entrepreneurs-A-Review-of-the-Evidence-and-Key-Challenge.pdf
Women, Business and the Law 2020: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/32639/9781464815324.pdf

Website resources and downloadable guides:
Private sector development (PSD)
The essential guide to selling on eBay: https://www.shopify.com/guides/sell-on-ebay
How to sell your products on Amazon: https://www.shopify.com/guides/sell-on-amazon
Advertising your products on Facebook: https://www.shopify.com/blog/facebook-ads
Guide to Dropshipping: https://www.shopify.com/guides/dropshipping
Beginner's guide to e-commerce shipping and fulfilment: https://www.shopify.com/blog/shipping-and-fulfillment
How to build, launch and grow an online store: https://www.shopify.com/blog/ecommerce-business-blueprint
Search engine optimisation (SEO) guide: https://www.shopify.com/academy/courses/seo

EU-FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade):
Issues relating to trade
Information for Lao companies seeking to export to Europe:
Issues relating to trade
EU's key regulations on organic products:
Issues relating to trade
Information for Lao companies seeking to export coffee and food products to the US:
Issues relating to trade
International Coffee Organisation:
Issues relating to trade
Issues relating to trade
International Trade Centre: http://www.intracen.org
Global market price information in real time: https://mpi.intracen.org
Global trade map: https://www.trademap.org/Index.aspx
Market access map: https://macmap.org
Market analysis tools portal: https://marketanalysis.intracen.org/en
Rules of origin facilitator: https://findrulesoforigin.org
SME Trade Academy: https://learning.intracen.org/?redirect=0

Lao PDR trade portal:
Issues relating to trade
Lao PDR trade in services portal:
Issues relating to trade
Voluntary standards in Laos:
Issues relating to trade
Third country trade portals and information repositories:
Issues relating to trade
Laos and the World Trade Organisation (WTO):
Issues relating to trade
Laos and ASEAN:
Issues relating to trade
Purchasing managers' indices (monthly) for a range of export markets:
Issues relating to trade
Some providers of trade finance in Laos:
Issues relating to trade
International timber trade portal:
Issues relating to trade
Thailand's Food and Drug Administration:
Issues relating to trade
Tourism in the Mekong:
Issues relating to trade
Premier international and regional trade fairs and expos:
Issues relating to trade
All Things Organic (US): https://ota.com/programs-and-events/ota-expo-east
(food tech): http://www.anugafoodtec.com
(food and beverages): http://www.anuga.com
Asia Fruit Logistia
(Singapore): https://www.asiafruitlogistica.com
(organic): https://www.biofach.de/en
Fair Friends
(sustainable business): https://www.fair-friends.de/en/home/
Fine Food Australia:
Food and Hotel Asia
(Singapore): http://www.foodnhotelasia.com
Food and Hotel China:
Food and Hotel Hanoi:
Foodex Japan:
Food Ingredients China:
Fruit Logistica:
(home and contract textiles): https://heimtextil.messefrankfurt.com/frankfurt/en.html
Have Events
(various): https://hyve.group/Home
Health Ingredients
(Frankfurt, food ingredients): https://www.figlobal.com/hieurope/en/home.html
Informa Markets
(various events): https://www.informamarkets.com/en/home.html
IPM International Plant Show
(horticulture): https://www.ipm-essen.de/world-trade-fair/
(sweets and snacks): https://www.ism-cologne.com
(Paris, private label, A-brand, and customised products): https://www.madeparis.com
Natural Products Expo-East
(US): https://www.expoeast.com/en/home.html
Natural Products Expo-West
(US): https://www.expowest.com/en/home.html
Private Label trade show
(US): https://www.plma.com
Reed Exhibitions
(various events): https://www.reedexhibitions.com
Seoul Food and Hotel:
(Paris, food): https://www.sialparis.com
SIAL China
(Shanghai, food): https://event.sialchina.com
(Lyon, hospitality and food): https://www.sirha.com/en
(Hamburg, savoury snacks): https://www.snackex.com
Specialty Coffee Expo
(US): https://coffeeexpo.org
Supermarket Trade Show
(Japan): http://www.smts.jp/en/index.html
Thaifex Anuga Asia
(food and beverage): https://thaifex-anuga.com/en/
(vegan products): https://www.veganfach.com
Veggie & frei von
(vegetarian products): https://www.messe-stuttgart.de/veggie/
World Dairy Expo
(US): https://worlddairyexpo.com
World Tea Expo:

Trade finance explained:
Issues relating to trade
UNCTAD's BioTrade Initiative:
Issues relating to trade
EU's Non-tariff measures (NTMs) applicable to biodiversity and BioTrade products: Personal care, food and phytopharma sectors: https://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/ditcted2018d8_en.pdf
Japan's Non-tariff measures (NTMs) applicable to biodiversity and BioTrade products: Personal care, food and phytopharma sectors: https://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/ditcted2018d7_en.pdf
USA's Non-tariff measures (NTMs) applicable to biodiversity and BioTrade products: Personal care, food and phytopharma sectors: https://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/ditcted2018d10_en.pdf

World Customs Organisation:
Issues relating to trade
Food and drug administrations for select export markets:
Issues relating to trade
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